Drone Attack Foundation - victorious technologies in actionsupporting the militarybuilding victory together

Join the community of entrepreneurs and the military who are launching an assault wave of drones and disrupting the enemy on the contact line.

About the Foundation

The Drone Attack Charity Foundation is a foundation established by entrepreneurs to support the combat capability of our comrades at the front. Since the provision of FPV drones requires production, purchasing and, most importantly, uninterrupted delivery to the guys on the front line, the entrepreneurs have launched a specialised foundation that:

• Builds the entire supply chain at the systemic level.
• Communicates directly with the military units, adjusting the technical specifications of the droned needed to the military’s tasks.
• Aims to provide on-demand and permanent supply to specific units on the contact line

We are convinced that the unity that existed between society and the military at the beginning of the russian aggression is the driving force that helped us to survive and go on the offensive. That’s why we refuse to separate the conventional rear from the frontline and become the FPV arm of the support of specific units.

The Drone Attack Foundation is:

Entrepreneurial and military brotherhood&sisterhood, a reliable hand of support, and unity that helped to survive the beginning of the invasion, and will help Ukraine to win.

The Drone Attack Foundation is:

Systematic support of the military’s combat capability at the front by the business community.

Drone Attack



The Drone Attack Foundation was created on the basis of the Entrepreneurs of Ukraine Committee, which has been supporting an active community for the development of small and midsize enterprises in Ukraine for the past 10 years. At the beginning of the war, many entrepreneurs from our close circle joined the army. Many got involved in the volunteer movement to provide the soldiers with literally everything — helmets, body armour, medicine, thermal imagers, cars and, of course, drones, which we started actively buying and supplying a year ago.


Now that it is clear that support at the front line is needed not just on a one-off basis, but on a sustained and systematic basis, we decided to organise assistance to provide support to our comrades at the enterprise level. For this purpose, a foundation was launched headed by Eduard Kurgansky, a well-known businessman who has just returned from the frontline. Several companies have become partners of the foundation, as they are well aware of the need and specifics of sustainable support on the contact line. So not only the courage of our military, but also the cooperation of entrepreneurs is now becoming a Drone Attack, that is, a continuous HELL for the enemy’s invasion.






+38 098 5592042